NAND Flash / SSDs | Technology

Best Online SSD Cost Calculator

This is an online SSD Cost calculator that calculates the detailed costs of an SSD (NAND, DRAM, Controller, Other) at various capacity points. You can view the graph/table by $/GB, Unit Costs, or % of Total. Please give it a try. (Bonus: It is mobile and printer friendly) Tip #1: You can scroll down to […]

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NAND Flash / SSDs | Technology

NAND and DRAM Prices Collapsing

Flash and DRAM demand has apparently been weak. This is a great opportunity for you to negotiate lower prices with your favorite #semiconductor company. Give your local sales person a call and ask for a revised quote. From what I can tell, weakness was led by the following players: The largest NAND Supplier in June (more in […]

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NAND Flash / SSDs | Technology

SSD costs exposed: How to buy like a pro

What you will learn in this article After reading this article, you will learn: All SSDs in all verticals (e.g., PC, Retail, Datacenter, Enterprise) should be priced the same ($/GB); The key to understanding this is looking at non-NAND related costs over different capacity points, while considering the current average capacity point in each vertical. […]

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